Saturday, 21 November 2015

It's Live

I've been rubbish again. This releasing a book lark is time consuming to say the least! Anyway, I just popped on to say, "I've done it!" 

My debut novel is now live and available to download immediately to your kindle! 

I'm overwhelmed and rather stunned at the moment so my feelings aren't clear really! Although I am excited at the number of people who have chosen to read already! 

Thank you everyone! 

I had a beautiful review yesterday too from the Book Hangover Page, which blew me away...

Anyway, it's another short and sweet one, and I will leave you again with the buy links and a couple of new teasers. 

Amazon links


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

It's nearly time...

Guys, I feel sick...

I've sent my manuscript off to be formatted and as soon as it comes back I'll be uploading to Amazon and it will be available for pre-order! That's some scary shit right there. 

So anyway, I realised I hadn't shared any teasers or anything with you so that's all this post will be about tonight. Mostly because I have foolishly signed up to NaNoWriMo so my time is precious... More on that in a new post I think! So for now, here's all the promo stuff... Enjoy! 



Early review...

That's all folks!